My WIP that started on October knit and crochet. They are Icarus Shawl, baby cape and hat and storage box. The baby items and Storage box are crocheted. I am on the 5th repeat of Chart 1 on Icarus Shawl and then finished crocheted these baby cape and hat 2 weeks ago.
Working on baby items like this was fun, since it's tiny so the feeling of accomplishment was great. I like all the things on this projects. Why I choose the cape and hat, it's because the yarn are acrylic, and considering the tropical weather we have here, I better make something that easy to put on the baby. And these cape and hat are rare items you find here in Jakarta.
Other reason was I like to make something that last quite long too, at least for few years ahead.. he.. he..
Last not least my consideration to make this, I was using yarn from my stash. Total it need about 3 1/2 skeins, around 175 grams. The yarns was Kinlon - Dahlia, the one that my colleaque gave me few months ago. The pink also suit for cute little baby girl. So it's perfect :)
Pattern taken from Japanese Crochet Books for Baby that I bought at Kinokuniya book store.. I will update the ISBN for your reference (another promise :p -- ok.. here we go ISBN: 4-529-02373-7, latest published dated 21st May 2005 ..... updated 24th Nov 2006)
Love this cutey balls - made from a small notions that I bought in puppy yarn store when I was went to Japan last year. Since I did not know whether the size will fit the baby or not since I haven't met with my colleague yet because she was on 3 months maternity leave, I tried on my Winnie The Pooh, that size close to 1-2 years old toodler. Talking about long term usage, it sure will fit the baby..;)
Pattern : Japanese Pattern Books (ISBN : 4-529-02373-7 - this is 2nd time publishing, dated 21st May 2005)
Needles : Tulip Steel Crochet No. 3/0
Yarn : Kinlon - Dahlia (acrylic 100%)
I visited her (she was back to his mother house at central java for delivery the baby), the baby already about 2 months old. Cute and seems she will be has slim and tall girl just like her dad :)
Oh its so cute and sweet. It doesn't look like acrylic at all. I am sure the recepient will be happy to have it.
That little cape and hat are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing those photos :)
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