what a long pause that I took from my last post till today. Got to admitted that I was too lazy or too hot (yes it also hot in here too.. most of days in weeks the sun shining very diligently and very bright!!). Most of my projects are on the needles at this moment and most of the time I much more into the knitting patterns books.Talking about books, in my country, most of the books crochet/knit patterns are imported, either from Japan, China, Australia or US. With internet, we are much blessed with hundreds of sites that provide free patterns.However, sometimes when reading other fellows' blog about their excitement with the new knit magazine or books, we would like too. So, here I was went visit to Interweave, Amazon and Elann .Few months ago I was went to amazon and got crazy he.. he... after about 3-4 weeks, finally I got my books...1. Yarn Harlot's At Knit's End - Meditation for Woman who Knit Too Much -> this is Stephanie's first book. It's good for pocket book and love it... funny and how true :)2. Yarn Harlot's Knitting Rules - the 3rd Stephanie's book -> the secrets and all knitter's should learn before they start the project either socks, hats, jackets/sweater, shawl, mittens, etc. 3. The best of Knitter's Magazine Shawls and Scarfs -> very beautiful lace!!4. Interweave Knitters Magz -> I got to wait like 3 months to get my summer issue, while I was still waiting for my spring 2006 issues (seems my spring issues taking longer trip than my summer's edition. Emailed the interweave and they said they have no stocks and will send me one once they re-print it again, i got it already though, my spring issue came 2 weeks ago, and they already start for Fall 2006!!).5. Folk Shawl by Cheryl Oberle -> good patterns with history behind each one.6. Heirlom Knitting by - S. Miller (i forgot her name..) -> this is abselutly amazing lace knitting book!! All serious lace knitter , you got to have this one!! All the theories, tip and tricks.. amazing!!7. A Gathering of Lace -> Meg Swansen -> Finally I bought this one too and I will regret if I am not buy one!! Love all the paterns inside. It's all about lace for your socks, mittens, babies, sweaters, tablecloths which can turn as a big shawl, scarfs, shawls..:)8. Mason-Dixon Knitting -> I asked my sis to bought it for me while she was flew to SF...It was out of stock (no need to ask why..;p) but 2 months later she finally can found it 1 for me!! 
And these 2 are Knitting Magazine from Japan - Spring 2006 Let's Knit Series and Spring 2006 from Keitodama. I am blind about japanese language but all the patterns are written in charts and this is the methode that we familiar with.

I like this shrug... simple and eye catching... :)
These 2 are from China (Taiwan published)... Like japanese books these also using lots of charts and images showing step by step instructions. The right side is How To Finger's Knit Book... Something nice to try and can be a good activity during plane trip while needle and hook are not allow to bring in the cabin.
Amigurumi from Finger's Knitting book, they are cute pandas!!
Bought at Kinokuniya bookstore here at Plaza Senayan. Compilation of good selections of lace. All are crocheted, and I like it all :) he.. he..
Last but not least, Encyclopedia of the Dog!! Good book to know all dogs type. My sis gave it to me. She bought this on sale while she was in US if I am not mistaken, and the price only like US$ 10 (will check it out again..;)
So, other than pick up my needles or hooks, I have huge piles of books to cover them in plastic cover. I already bought 2 rolls and sadly the needles and yarns are calling me louder than the books..:p Bad I knew but cant help.. :-)