and these are my first attempt of making baby stuffs... i like to knitting all these cute things.. those planning to be my gift for my friend, whom pregnant her second kid and most likely would a girl.
i can say, for who you like to see quick result, making babies stuff is one of them.. i can finished these booties in about 2 hrs. not too bad...;)

Myers's book The Joy of Knitting is a good one.. I got it in the book store who have sale.. and this one was about 80% disc... go to have it!! :).. it's hardcover too.. but put aside the cover when i reading the book.

and this one was on my plan to crochet using hairpin lace.. but not so into it at this moment.. so perhaps...later...;)
Hello Tanti,
I'm, Tyas..from jakarta. I Just want to ask you, where do you ussually get your yarn from? I have dificulty to find a good yarn in jakarta (particularly cotton yarn). Can you tell me where? I really need this info, hope you can help. Please email me, Thank You
Hi Tyas,
thanks for dropping by. It nice to know there's new people interested in the same hobby.
are you a knitter or crocheter?
well.. the cotton yarn quite hardly to be found in jakarta, but you can check on hobbycraft for sirdar breeze that like shown in my blog, or you can check on lenny's at ITC Kuningan (it is 2nd floor, when you get there, just tell her that you know her store from me..:p).
there are some type of cotton yarn, what kind of cotton yarn you looking for? it also depends on what kind of project you working... let say if you work for something to be wearable, perhaps using cotton yarn that 100% cotton or a mixed yarn that has more cotton rather than acrylic for example. if you plan to work on a tablecloths, it's pretty funny and expensive if you are working with sirdar instead of something like grace (you can find this brand at Lenny's).
you can check at sunflower in pasar pagi area, or evelyn's at duta merlin .. but i am not comfortable at that store.. but you can find it out by yourself.
you can check at blok m plaza too... miki-moko...
be imaginative... if you just want to make a table cloths or bag, you can buy kitchen cotton twine, check on ace hardware or the traditional market... but if you want make clothes, prepare to spend some money on good cotton yarn like sirdar...
hope i am helpful on this..
thanks for dropping by at my blog..
any questions, email me...
take care and happy yarn hunting!
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